Christa Kelleher


  • Identifying, analyzing, and promoting public policies that improve the conditions of women’s lives

  • Advancing women’s public leadership

  • State and local policy development

Course idea:

Non specified

Kelleher oversees research on women’s public leadership and a range of public policy issues that affect women, with a particular focus on women’s reproductive and maternal health.

Christa Kelleher has been teaching in the Center’s Graduate Certificate Program for Gender, Leadership, and Public Policy (previously Program for Women in Politics and Public Policy) since 2002 and currently teaches the Internship course with colleague Elena Stone. She has previously taught courses in sociology, community health, public affairs, and public policy at Greater Boston area institutions including Pine Manor College, Brandeis University, and Tufts University.

Kelleher’s federally funded doctoral study examined the complex issues facing Boston and Toronto-based mothers during the early postpartum period to inform public policies related to this important women’s health issue.

Her background includes work on political campaigns, in the Massachusetts Legislature, and in not-for-profit advocacy organizations.

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