GCWS Courses
Opening paths to the creation of new feminist thinking
GCWS Courses

“I’ve enjoyed being in a class of people with very different perspectives but who all shared an interest in and commitment to feminist research.”
– GCWS student

“This class has changed my outlook on not only my personal life, but my academic one as well. I now have a new critical approach to my scholarly ambitions.”
– GCWS student

“The variety of perspectives was enlivening and created a vibrant cauldron of ideas.”
–GCWS faculty member

GCWS offers interdisciplinary, for-credit, solo and team-taught graduate-level seminars to Masters and PhD students enrolled at our member institutions.
The core of the GCWS is our long tradition of courses taught by leaders in their field. Available to students enrolled in any of our member institutions, GCWS offers interdisciplinary and team-taught graduate-level seminars.
Our faculty explicitly integrate gender analysis with issues of class, race, culture, ethnicity, and sexualities, and consider the practical implications of feminist theory. Courses are designed to open paths to the creation of new knowledge and provide intellectual support for students pursuing feminist work within the framework of traditional disciplines.
Graduate credit & Eligibility
Our courses are credit-bearing for Masters and PhD students enrolled at any of our member institutions. Cross-registration and credit arrangements vary by institution; students should consult with the GCWS Program Manager and their academic advisors. Full participation in the seminar is expected of all students, regardless of credit status.
PhD and Masters students at our member institutions who are taking classes for credit are given priority status. Space permitting we will review applications from advanced undergraduate students and auditors. GCWS courses are capped at 20 students. Find out about your institution’s cross registration policies here.
Upcoming Courses:
Current Courses:
Full year course. Tuesdays 5:00-8:00PM.
Meets every other week at MIT.
Spring 2025; Thursdays, 5:00-8:00PM; Meets at MIT
Spring 2025; Mondays, 5:30-8:30PM; Meets at MIT
Spring 2025; Tuesdays, 4:00-7:00PM; Meets at UMass Boston