Linda Blum
Contemporary gender relations in US
Work, family, and intersectionality
Disability, gender, medicine, and the body
Course idea:
Teaching Feminist Inquiry. Would be interested in a gender and disability course.
Linda Blum is a qualitative, ethnographic sociologist who studies persistence, change, and contradictions in contemporary gender relations. Her interests include: Gender, Medicine, and the Body; Work, Family, and Intersections of Gender, Race, and Class Inequality; Sociological Theory; Qualitative and Ethnographic Methods; Feminist Theory and Methods. She began her sociological career researching and writing on women’s grassroots movements for comparable pay, but has since developed another focus on ideologies of motherhood in the United States, how we judge fit and unfit, respectable and disreputable, and measure mothers against each other in ways that reinforce class and race inequality. She is the author of Between Feminism and Labor: The Significance of the Comparable Worth Movement (1991, University of California Press); At the Breast: Ideologies of Breastfeeding and Motherhood in the Contemporary United States (1999, Beacon); and Raising Generation Rx: Mothering Kids with Invisible Disabilities in an Age of Inequality (2015, NYU Press).